Recent studies warn of a dire threshold: If we reach 20% to 25% deforestation, we may lose the Amazon forever.
The catalyst for this devastation lies in the belief that agriculture and cattle farming offer rapid solutions to poverty.
Recent studies warn of a dire threshold: If we reach 20% to 25% deforestation, we may lose the Amazon forever.
The catalyst for this devastation lies in the belief that agriculture and cattle farming offer rapid solutions to poverty.
© Araquém Alcântara
Omama challenges this narrative.
The true remedy lies in sustainable conservation that fosters both economic growth and environmental health.
The Amazon’s fate is intertwined with our global climate. Its preservation is crucial.
There is increasing evidence that climate depends on the Amazon forest remaining intact.
(Click anywhere on image below to see video)
(Source: PBS, "Be Smart" with Joe Hanson)
© Araquém Alcântara